Defina Fam Ep. 2: Oneplus

6 min readMar 1, 2022


Hello Definians, here’s the second episode of the Defina Fam Interviews! In these intimate talks, we get a personal view of how our beloved community members got to where they are today.

In today’s event, we are excited to have Oneplus, a fantastic content creator from Malaysia! He has helped educate people globally on stocks and NFT games for a long time. So let’s get into his journey 🌟.

Interview 📝

  1. Happy to have you here! You have some very interesting usernames. On Facebook it’s “teachermilkstock” and on YouTube, it translates to “fat man playing games” haha. What were the reasons why you picked these names?

-Oneplus: Ahaha, this is a very interesting question. I think I have to go through my background first. Well, I was running an education providing [Facebook channel] on stock market investments before turning to crypto.

While gaming is my favorite pastime activity to do when I am free. So I created a YouTube channel to chill while playing different games.

2. I’m very curious about your stock trading channel! How did you get into that? And how did you go from trading stocks into NFT gaming?

-Oneplus: I have been trading on the stock market for more than 10 years. Since I was a kid, I was influenced a lot by my family. My favorite phrase I learned from them is investment “is not a get rich scheme but an accumulation of wealth”.

I transitioned into NFT/play to earn as I saw huge potential in this field and could finally do my favorite things which is gaming. My audience is pretty conservative so it might take some time for them to understand blockchain haha. However, I never ever thought this day of gaming and investments coming together but it’s happening! I am very happy about that. Defina will always be my favorite one though 🙂.

3. Right? It’s a dream come true! And speaking of Defina, how did you get so involved with the community?

-Oneplus: I have been following the game before it launched as it had a very nice trailer. Then, I started to play the games from day 1 until today. Compared to other crypto games, Defina definitely provided us with good mechanisms as the game was fun and not too time consuming. Other games have [only] words where you are playing and doing the same thing over and over again aha.

The community and developers are pretty awesome here as we have updates very frequently especially in the early stage. Other games react to the community voice and make changes like once in a few weeks. But the Defina Team keeps making a few changes weekly!

When more social interaction [like Guilds and Battle Royale soon] kicks in, it will be even way more interesting and addictive. That’s the main reason I will stay here with all of you guys 🧡.

4. We are very happy to have you on the Team and for helping us ever since the beginning 🙂. Curious, what’s your favorite ultimate animation?

-Oneplus: Yeah, I played on my desktop, Android, and iPad too, so it’s pretty cool that the game could support all the devices. Of course, it’s Solomon’s ultimate(above) aha.

5. Great choice, she’s a fan favorite for sure haha. Here’s a little hot topic for you. Would you rather develop a mobile game faster or go for a triple A game that will take at least several years?

-Oneplus: Well I think we need a balance on that. There is a saying, “How long it takes to build a kingdom is how long it might take for a kingdom to fall”. So I would probably [pick] a mobile game which is simple and will be very easy to launch. But it’s unlikely to last long enough.

High definition games are the ones who can survive more than 10 years such as CS / Dota. They are like forever in the gaming industry, but chances of making it are [very] hard. High definition games are more competitive while mobile games are mostly used to kill time and relax.

6. Love your kingdom quote and clarity of differences between mobile and high definition gaming! Very curious, what was it like growing up in Malaysia(below)?

-Oneplus: Yeah I am living in a small country which is Malaysia where it is a multi racial country where we have Malaysian, Chinese, and Indian. My grandparents migrated from China to this small country so I was born in this country as well.

Sorry that my English is quite broken here aha as it’s not my main language, but our country here doesn’t not have 4 seasons. It’s always summer 🌞.

7. So interesting to learn about your unique background! Why do you think Defina became so popular with the Chinese community? It’s amazing how active and involved they are.

-Oneplus: Defina is not my first crypto game, but no matter which crypto game I played I always realized that the Chinese community is there and very active. Here’s a big thumbs up for the developer [for creating] the Chinese version in the early stages which makes more Chinese players come!

It’s cool to have people around the world meeting each other in the Defina metaverse haha. Also, shout outs to BigAce guild! 一起做家人!

8. We love our diverse community! So many brilliant minds working together. I see you love reading too. For a final question, what book do you think impacted you the most?

-Oneplus: It’s hard to say that one book influenced us the most as when we grow up, the way we learn might change. But my advice is sometimes when we read the same book again at different stages of our life, the thoughts of the books might enlighten us in different way which helps a lot.

If we have to pick one book(above) perhaps it’s this one “The Art of War (Chinese: 孫子兵法)”. The saying goes, “知彼知己,百战不殆”. It might be applied differently for different people as we have different backgrounds, but no matter what we are doing, first we have to know ourselves and know our enemies. In this case we don’t have an enemy, so it means knowing the things we are going to be involved in.

Therefore this is the best way to make sure we won’t lose in our battle (which is most likely our [life’s] decisions) before winning, so it’s always good to make sure we never lose ourselves first before we embark on a new path 🙂.

9. Great advice of being your true self in all your decisions for a meaningful life. What a great episode with you! Appreciate you for coming on and can’t wait to talk to you soon. Where else may people find you on social media?

-Oneplus: Thank you for the interview bro! You can find me on YouTube / Facebook / Instagram with the name of 师奶股师 (financial and investment thoughts). For my gaming channel it’s on YouTube with the name of 肥佬打游戏 (pure gaming).

Thank you beloved Definians for tuning into our second episode! If you would like a certain guest on or would like to provide feedback, feel free to message us. Until the next one 💓

About Defina Finance

Defina Finance is a fascinating blockchain game that combines the concept of Defi and NFT. Players can buy or collect various NFT Mystery Boxes to get heroes & weapons as well as fight and enhance their champions to learn skills in numerous game scenarios. Players can participate in Defi yield farming and earn abundant on-chain earnings while enjoying a fun and strategic game with PVP and PVE modes. Defina’s vision is to bring blockchain to millions of players, allowing them to explore a new form of gaming through blockchain technology. Come create-to-earn with us as we build the Defina metaverse together!

Define your destiny, conquer your enemy & earn FINA daily!

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