Defina’s Bi-Weekly Report: June 15th — June 30th

4 min readJul 14, 2022

Halfway through June, Defina has been working steadily to build the foundations of its new land game mode, known as Finaverse. Testing of the alpha version of Finaverse is still within the internal members of the Defina team and hired professional testers. The team has plans to let the active participants community members to test the alpha version.

Additionally, the Defina team has analyzed and discussed the current GameFi projects and solicited feedback from players and investors in the community. This has made the team decide that this is the best time to focus and build on developing Defina’s new features. It has also resulted on releasing a major update instead of frequent small updates. The team believes that this incoming Defina version is stronger, more resilient, and stands out from the market.

In response to the latest development plan and roadmap update, the team communicated with the community players by holding AMA events in a timely manner. Here, the team would like to sincerely thank the players who have supported and loved the project since the beginning of Defina’s journey. From mystery blind box sales, beta releases to co-creation of the Finaverse. This allows us to grow, expand, and create bigger plans with the community, and we always believe that blockchain is the only way to innovate in traditional games.

Without further ado, here are also the events that had transpired within June 15 to June 30.

135 Genesis SSS Remaining

As of June 16, there are only 135 SSS Heroes stored within the Genesis Mystery Boxes. There are only 2000 SSS heroes in the genesis set out of the 96,000 Mystery Boxes, giving the players a 2.08% drop rate chance. There will only be 500 genesis copies of the Dante Alighieri of Prometheus Fire, Solomon of Ouroboros, Morgan le Fay of Athena’s Aegis and lastly, Guanyu of Thoth Book.

Defina Transparency Report

On June 19, Defina has released a new transparency report that covers the minted FINA for community and current game rewards.

More details can be found on the link below:

Defina Discord Gartic Tournament

On June 24, the community has gathered in Discord to play Gartic Phone Tournament held by our own Definian community managers! Multiple prizes were given away and in-game items were won by the best players!

More Land Building Sneak Peeks!

More and more sneak peeks are being released in our Official Twitter channels! There has been 2 Land Building sneak peeks that has been released!

Defina Telegram AMA

On June 24, a text-based AMA has been held on Telegram and has been answered by Nikki, one of the core team members of Defina. Players had submitted multiple questions beforehand and there were also questions answered on the spot.

If you have missed the AMA, the recap can be read below.

Our Commitment to Building Finaverse: Roadmap & Updates

On June 29, we have released a new article that gives out the entire Defina team’s outlook on the current bear market and their plans on tackling it. It has summarized important notes on the AMA.

Read more here:

We hope that players around the world will continue to support the Defina community. Check our Official Twitter, Twitch Streams, Youtube for more updates!

As always, Thank you for supporting Defina!⭐

About Defina

Defina is an innovative blockchain gacha game that embraces NFT technology that allows true ownership of acquired game assets in the game. Players can open Mystery Boxes, collect their favourite Hero NFTs and trade them in the marketplace. Level up your Heroes, Build amazing teams, Combat in PVP Arena and Battle Vrykos to save humanity from the brink of destruction! Defina’s vision is to bring blockchain to millions of players, allowing them to explore a new form of gaming through blockchain technology. Come join us as we build the Defina Metaverse together!

Define your destiny, conquer your enemy & build with us daily!

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