Exploited Token Buyback + Bug Bounty Program

3 min readMay 10, 2022


We in Defina, we take security seriously and uphold fairness.

It takes a community and the developers to work together to protect the sanctity of the entire Web3.0 community we have created. The nature of Web3.0 being new technological advancement for developers to explore can have some unseen weaknesses in the eyes of the ones who create. The Defina team are always grateful to the fast reports from the community on reporting suspicious activity.

Following up from the previous medium article, we have planned a compensation plan for the entire community. We will also start a bug bounty program where extremely high rewards await for those who report game-breaking bugs. Additionally, we will also get more contract certifications to bring more confidence to our players and investors.

Here’s the list of compensation plans that the Defina team has done.

🛑 Blacklisted Mystery Boxes / Hero NFTs:

The Mystery Boxes and Hero NFTs that has been exploited by the hacker are banned indefinitely. The Mystery Box and Hero NFT pool will be replenished.

Players who have bought the exploited boxes from the marketplace and has provided the transaction hash for verification to the Discord Moderators/Admins or Telegram Admins will get their Mystery Box and Hero NFTs unblocked.

There will be a deadline for claiming back your blacklisted Mystery Boxes/ Hero NFTs. Join our Discord or Telegram to get your Mystery Box/Hero NFTs removed from the blacklist.

Players who have used scripts/bots will still have their game ID and NFTs blacklisted. This is non-negotiable and they are also not included to be removed from the blacklist.

🪙 Token Buyback:

Wallet Address Link: https://bscscan.com/address/0x80e00fbdd24e452d4ef9db09a063afdb0474719b

The team has allocated ~160 BNB from the team wallet funds to buyback $FINA. A total of 309,000 $FINA has been bought back. It is the same amount in $FINA that the hacker has sold.

The tokens bought back will be used as rewards for future community events and bug bounty.

🪲 Bug Bounty Program

We in Defina take security as one of our top priorities to ensure fairness in the blockchain and in our game server. Our game server has its communication to the player encrypted.

We do understand that not all bugs can be seen by the developers. We invite all interested parties to check our contract, game server, game server encryption, website and other related softwares that may affect the integrity of the game. You will be eligible to receive a reward if the bug or a possible exploit exists. If you are a Definian player, you will also receive a special icon within the game.

This bug bounty program only focuses on unethical means of acquiring $FINA, changing of Hero Rarity and other synonymous practices that will be affecting the integrity of the game.

Bugs similar to game display bugs, damage miscalculation, QoL suggestions etc. are not considered in this bug bounty program.

Defina reserves the right to determine the following:

  1. Validity of the bug
  2. Severity of the bug
  3. Final reward amount

Reward Range

Minor Bug: $500
Major Bug: $2500 ~ $5000
Extreme Bug: +- $30,000


The reward will be given in $FINA but equal to USD value.

Thank you for supporting Defina.

About Defina

Defina is an innovative blockchain gacha game that embraces NFT technology that allows true ownership of acquired game assets in the game. Players can open Mystery Boxes, collect their favourite Hero NFTs and trade them in the marketplace. Level up your Heroes, Build amazing teams, Combat in PVP Arena and Battle Vrykos to save humanity from the brink of destruction! Defina’s vision is to bring blockchain to millions of players, allowing them to explore a new form of gaming through blockchain technology. Come join us as we build the Defina Metaverse together!

Define your destiny, conquer your enemy & build with us daily!

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